• Mashup Score: 23

    When returning to a home that’s been flooded after a natural disaster be aware that your house may be contaminated with mold or sewage, which can cause health risks for your family. Follow these safety tips for Reentering Your Flooded Home provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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    • RT @CDCEnvironment: Learn more about safe cleanup of #flood affected areas: https://t.co/mqYy2TSYYW #Cristobal https://t.co/BAwbwC1KfY

  • Mashup Score: 2

    In an emergency, having access to needed medical care and supplies can be a matter of life and death. We and our partners in the Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition are committed to delivering life-saving medical care and supplies to areas affected by disasters.

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    • Would you like to help staff our #insulin supply hotline, provide clinical assistance via Skype, or help deliver and coordinate supplies on the ground in the event of an emergency during Tropical Storm #Cristobal? Contact us at advocacy@endocrine.org. https://t.co/r17yYHLkjH

  • Mashup Score: 116
    Flood Safety Tips - 4 year(s) ago

    Take these important steps to reduce the harm caused by flooding.

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    • Are you in an area affected by a #flood? Be aware that standing flood waters can also spread infectious diseases, bring chemical hazards, and cause injuries. Learn steps you can take to protect yourself, your family, and your home. https://t.co/BIB4rh3nTb #Cristobal https://t.co/t2B2lF09xt

  • Mashup Score: 1

    In an emergency, having access to needed medical care and supplies can be a matter of life and death. We and our partners in the Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition are committed to delivering life-saving medical care and supplies to areas affected by disasters.

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    • Are you concerned about Tropical Storm #Cristobal affecting access to #diabetes supplies? We and our partners in the Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition @DiabetesDisast1 can provide assistance: https://t.co/r17yYHLkjH #T1D #T2D #T1DM #T1D2