Mashup Score: 26Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases Are Associated With Incident Metastatic and Nonmetastatic Cancer: - 5 day(s) ago
AbstractBackgroundCardiovascular diseases are associated with higher cancer risk. However, their relationship with metastatic cancer, the primary determinant of cancer prognosis, has not been studi…
Source: www.jacc.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 23Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases Are Associated With Incident Metastatic and Nonmetastatic Cancer: - 3 month(s) ago
AbstractBackgroundCardiovascular diseases are associated with higher cancer risk. However, their relationship with metastatic cancer, the primary determinant of cancer prognosis, has not been studi…
Source: www.jacc.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet-
#ASCVD is assoc w/ sig increased risk of cancer, specifically #metastasis at the time of cancer Dx, particularly in middle-aged adults. Recognizing this assoc could enhance the prevention & Tx of metastatic cancer in pts w/ ASCVD https://t.co/5F0otyjLKy #JACCCardioOnc #CardioOnc… https://t.co/dO8IGYmabw https://t.co/v3mJFFBjbD
#ASCVD is assoc w/ sig increased risk of cancer, specifically #metastasis at the time of cancer Dx, particularly in middle-aged adults. Recognizing this assoc could enhance the prevention & Tx of metastatic cancer in pts w/ ASCVD https://t.co/5F0otyjLKy #JACCCardioOnc #CardioOnc… https://t.co/dO8IGYmabw https://t.co/v3mJFFBjbD