Mashup Score: 0Argyria From a Topical Home Remedy - 4 year(s) ago
Argyria results from chronic exposure to products with a high silver content and may result in abnormalities of the skin and internal organs.
Source: www.mdedge.comCategories: Dermatology, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0List of rare skin diseases: Pictures, symptoms, and treatments - 4 year(s) ago
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Many conditions can affect the skin. Some of them are common, while others are rare.
Source: www.medicalnewstoday.comCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
#Argyria results from chronic exposure to products with a high silver content and may result in abnormalities of the skin and internal organs. https://t.co/IFLbfJm8S0 #DermTwitter