Mashup Score: 86Peter Hosein, MD - V Foundation - 7 month(s) ago
Funded in partnership with Miami Dolphins Foundation Pancreatic cancer is a really bad disease that’s hard to treat. Even though treatments like immunotherapy have helped with other cancers, they haven’t worked well for pancreatic cancer. Some people get pancreatic cancer because of a problem gene passed down in their family, like BRCA. We tried treating […]
Source: www.v.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Very grateful to @TheVFoundation and @MiamiDolphins for supporting my indomitable co-PI @DrJashDatta and I as we attempt to make further inroads into #PancreaticCancer #pancsm @SylvesterCancer #InPursuitOfYourCure #SPCRI https://t.co/XKjEuN7UkU