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    Here you can find explanations of the various forms of radiology and oncology and what radiologists and oncologists do. You will also find commonly asked questions, Patients’ Liaison Group (PLG) leaflets and internet links to other related organisations.

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    • @SrihariNaiduMD @OKhaliqueMD @Heart_SCCT @rooshaparikh @onco_cardiology @djc795 @purviparwani @DrRyanPDaly Radiology can work with others (eg Royal College of Radiology includes clinical oncology https://t.co/0z9KQzDEeh) Why does cardiology remain a turf war? With scans 2 things matter - quality (scan/report) - availability As we wait months for these (UK)- quality is most valuable

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    Target volume definition requires an assessment of clinical information and imaging to know the location of the tumour (or tumour bed in the case of adjuvant treatment), an understanding of the possible routes of microscopic spread and an appreciation of potential positional errors. The uncertainties involved in this complex decision-making process mean that the oncologist must use judgement to…

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    • Just saw a brilliant quote attributed to Ezra Benson cited by @petra_jankowska in Safer Radiotherapy bulletin issued by @UKHSA “Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right” Petra 🙏 for all your and @tomroques work on https://t.co/Rfj4eAfInl

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    Overview The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) is recruiting for a Deputy Editor to join Clinical Oncology, the international monthly scientific journal of the Faculty of Clinical Oncology.  The role offers a qualified candidate the opportunity to take responsibility for the content and future course of the journal.

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    • The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) is recruiting for a Deputy Editor to join their journal Clinical Oncology Application deadline is Friday 18th November 2022. For further information see here https://t.co/ufyL75AsCV