• Mashup Score: 3

    Get the dish on real stories of people driving innovation in healthcare in each episode of The Slice. Osso VR CEO Justin Barad, MD, orthopedic surgeon, and pizza enthusiast serves as your host interviewing pioneers in business and medicine. Tune in for an unfiltered view on their journeys: the highs, the lows and the best slices they’ve had along the way.

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    • 🎧 The Slice #podcast just dropped! VR - Rosie's Pizza - Orthopaedic Tech & Social Media 👉 https://t.co/ZKEkOHzVlY #orthotwitter #medtech #pizza #medicalpodcast @ossovr @stoolpresidente @onebite @AvailMedsystems @Stryker_ST https://t.co/jMt38zdWPf