Mashup Score: 2Trinka and Sam: The Rainy Windy Day - 2 month(s) ago
Offers parents and caregivers a way to talk with their children about hurricanes. This children’s book describes some of Trinka’s and Sam’s reactions to a hurricane, talks about how their parents
Source: www.nctsn.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Wildfire Resources - 2 month(s) ago
Wildfires are fires that spread rapidly and rage out of control in areas of woodland, brushland, grassland, scrubland, peatland, and other wooded areas.
Source: www.nctsn.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Trinka and Sam The Rainy Windy Day: E-book to help children and their families begin to talk about feelings and worries they may have after they have experienced a disaster. https://t.co/VFAcdylob1