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    The RFP has long been the primary way of making large technology purchases for government, education, and nonprofit agencies. Here’s why Sourcewell might be a better option.

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    • To all government, education, and nonprofit agencies: Here's how @Sourcewell contract purchasing can eliminate #RFP challenges for your org ⬇️. From @mitel https://t.co/0y9Fha8HMl https://t.co/ImsrGTrt9e

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    In this guest blog post, Samantha Clark discusses how onboarding remote employees in a virtual setting can be much more challenging than regular on-site onboarding. However, this training and support are crucial for new employees in a hybrid work model to get on board and feel like they belong. Read this 7-step checklist to ensure success and engagement. 

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    • Onboarding for #remote and #hybrid teams? Here is @mitel's 7️⃣-step checklist ✅ for reinventing and making #HybridWork easier for new employees 👇. https://t.co/NfTdauaYRW https://t.co/mVvUxjUm5p

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    AI assists the contact center today with training, conducting advanced analytics, and simplifying routine tasks. Find out how.

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    • Agent trainers, data collectors, and #VirtualAssistants are just a few roles #AI tech can take on. Here's how AI can do more than simply provide faster customer service in #ContactCenters ⬇️. From @mitel https://t.co/W0LOtoPQJ5 https://t.co/v9rL1RtqOG