Mashup Score: 6Book of Mountains and Seas | LA Opera - 9 month(s) ago
A fantastical world of sunbirds, demons and hairy giants is evoked in Book of Mountains and Seas, a fascinating work of vocal theater for 12 singers, two percussionists and six puppet masters. Composer/librettist Huang Ruo took his inspiration from a classic compilation of Chinese mythology《山海經》first transcribed in the fourth century B.C. Over the years, these stories have become part of Chinese written and oral history, shifted and reshaped to match contemporary times. First performed in 2021, Huang
Source: www.laopera.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
To my #LosAngeles peeps, my daughter is performing as a #puppeteer in this production of #BOMS @LAOpera next few nights. Tonight is opening! #puppeteering #opera #mandarin. https://t.co/YhfRykxj1s