Mashup Score: 0Florida CHARTS Reports - 1 year(s) ago
Reportable Diseases Frequency Report The frequency report below is based on reportable disease information received by the Florida Department of Health as mandated under Section 381.0031, Florida Statutes, and Rule 64D-3.029, Florida Administrative Code. Depending on report criteria, counts include confirmed and/or probable cases that have occurred in Florida among Florida residents. This…
Source: www.flhealthcharts.govCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 160COVID-19 Cases - 1 year(s) ago
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Illness ranges from no noticeable symptoms to severe cases with symptoms typically including fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Case counts include individuals who have either a positive SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) result or antigen result. Data are provisional and subject to change.
Source: www.flhealthcharts.govCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet
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