Mashup Score: 15th How to Diagnose and Treat: Multiple Myeloma | ESH - European School of Haematology - 8 hour(s) ago
Chairs : Hermann Einsele, Maria Theresa Krauth, Maria Victoria Mateos, Omar Nadeem April 3-5, 2025 – Vienna, Austria Chairs: Hermann Einsele, Maria Theresa Krauth, Maria-Victoria Mateos, Omar Nadeem ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: ESH How to Diagnose and Treat meetings are disease-specific meetings that address state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical management. They are based on the presentation and analysis of real clinical cases. Voting technology is used as a self-evaluation tool and to increase scientific
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 7
Chairs : Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa March 7-9, 2025 – Vienna, Austri Chairs: Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa ESH How to Diagnose and Treat meetings are disease-specific meetings that address state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical management. They are based on the presentation and analysis of real clinical cases. Voting technology is used as a self-evaluation tool and to increase scientific interaction. This meeting will be of interest to: • Senior biologists and clinician
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 15th How to Diagnose and Treat: Multiple Myeloma | ESH - European School of Haematology - 5 day(s) ago
Chairs : Hermann Einsele, Maria Theresa Krauth, Maria Victoria Mateos, Omar Nadeem April 3-5, 2025 – Vienna, Austria Chairs: Hermann Einsele, Maria Theresa Krauth, Maria-Victoria Mateos, Omar Nadeem ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: ESH How to Diagnose and Treat meetings are disease-specific meetings that address state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical management. They are based on the presentation and analysis of real clinical cases. Voting technology is used as a self-evaluation tool and to increase scientific
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 2
Home > Conferences > 7th International Conference: Acute Myeloid Leukemia “Molecular and Translational”: Advances in Biology and Treatment Chairs : Hartmut Döhner, Benjamin Ebert, Bob Löwenberg ESH 7 th International Conference ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA “MOLECULAR AND TRANSLATIONAL”: ADVANCES IN BIOLOGY AND TREATMENT Save the date: October 16-18,2025 – Estoril, Portugal Chairs: Bob L ö wenberg, Hartmut D ö hner, Benjamin Ebert WORDS FROM OUR CHAIRS “We wish to invite and encourage you to join us at the ESH
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 7
Chairs : Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa March 7-9, 2025 – Vienna, Austri Chairs: Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa ESH How to Diagnose and Treat meetings are disease-specific meetings that address state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical management. They are based on the presentation and analysis of real clinical cases. Voting technology is used as a self-evaluation tool and to increase scientific interaction. This meeting will be of interest to: • Senior biologists and clinician
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 8
Chairs : Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa March 7-9, 2025 – Vienna, Austri Chairs: Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa ESH How to Diagnose and Treat meetings are disease-specific meetings that address state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical management. They are based on the presentation and analysis of real clinical cases. Voting technology is used as a self-evaluation tool and to increase scientific interaction. This meeting will be of interest to: • Senior biologists and clinician
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 8
Chairs : Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa March 7-9, 2025 – Vienna, Austri Chairs: Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa ESH How to Diagnose and Treat meetings are disease-specific meetings that address state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical management. They are based on the presentation and analysis of real clinical cases. Voting technology is used as a self-evaluation tool and to increase scientific interaction. This meeting will be of interest to: • Senior biologists and clinician
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 23rd How I Manage CAR-T Therapies and Bispecific Antibodies for my Patients | ESH - European School of Haematology - 2 month(s) ago
Chairs : Caron Jacobson, Ulrich Jäger, Marie José Kersten September 26-28, 2025 – Hotel Clarion Sign, Stockholm, Sweden Chairs: Caron Jacobson, Ulrich J ä ger, Marie Jos é Kersten The format of the meeting is based on the analysis and discussion of clinical case studies. It will adopt a problem-solving approach, addressing practical considerations and guidelines. Emphasis will be placed on open discussion, ensuring a maximum level of interaction between faculty and registered participants. Clinical Cases
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 8
Chairs : Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa March 7-9, 2025 – Vienna, Austri Chairs: Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa ESH How to Diagnose and Treat meetings are disease-specific meetings that address state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical management. They are based on the presentation and analysis of real clinical cases. Voting technology is used as a self-evaluation tool and to increase scientific interaction. This meeting will be of interest to: • Senior biologists and clinician
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 8
Chairs : Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa March 7-9, 2025 – Vienna, Austri Chairs: Claire Harrison, Andreas Hochhaus, Ruben Mesa ESH How to Diagnose and Treat meetings are disease-specific meetings that address state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical management. They are based on the presentation and analysis of real clinical cases. Voting technology is used as a self-evaluation tool and to increase scientific interaction. This meeting will be of interest to: • Senior biologists and clinician
Source: www.esh.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
RT @ESHaematology: 📣 REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR #ESHMM2025! Learn more here ➡ https://t.co/f4QsVEBgqA 5th How to Diagnose & Treat MULTIPLE #M…