Mashup Score: 0Residents & Fellows - AUA Annual Meeting - 4 hour(s) ago
For more than a century, the AUA has stood at the forefront in developing innovative evidence-based quality education for urologists and urologic health care professionals throughout all stages of their careers. In addition to the Meeting’s robust scientific and course program, AUA2025 features an array of programming designed just for urology residents and fellows.
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 2Join and Save - AUA Annual Meeting - 4 hour(s) ago
Become an AUA member and SAVE up to $886 on Annual Meeting registration!
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 43American Urological Association Names New Editor of Urology Practice® - American Urological Association - 23 hour(s) ago
The American Urological Association (AUA) announced today Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD, MBA, FACS, as the incoming editor of Urology Practice®, an official journal of the AUA.
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 0
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are prohibited from using or uploading content you accessed through this website into external applications, bots, software, or websites, including those using artificial intelligence technologies and infrastructure, including deep learning, machine learning and large language models and generative AI. The AUA
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 1Clinical Trials in Progress - AUA Annual Meeting - 2 day(s) ago
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to introduce your clinical trials to the global urologic community!
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 3Register - AUA Annual Meeting - 2 day(s) ago
A leader in providing quality, evidence-based urologic education, the AUA invites you to register for the 120th AUA Annual Meeting!
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 3Register - AUA Annual Meeting - 4 day(s) ago
A leader in providing quality, evidence-based urologic education, the AUA invites you to register for the 120th AUA Annual Meeting!
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 5
The AUA Advanced Practice Provider (APP) of the Year Award was established by the 2019-2020 AUA APP Membership Committee led by Chair, Tricia Zubert, APRN, CNP, to recognize the contributions and accomplishments of APPs in the field of urology. Since that time, the APP Membership Committee selects a recipient to be honored with the award each year.
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 4AUA Leadership Program - American Urological Association - 5 day(s) ago
This is a call for younger AUA members to polish their leadership skills, take advantage of networking opportunities and become better acquainted with AUA programs and services. To date, 107 AUA members have participated in one of six different Leadership Program classes.
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 2
The AUA provides valuable information and opportunities to residents to get involved with the AUA during their urologic training years and as they make preparations toward their urologic career.
Source: www.auanet.orgCategories: General Medicine News, UrologyTweet
NOW ACCEPTING FLIP THE SCRIPT CASE SUBMISSIONS! Let's see if your interesting urology scenario can challenge the experts LIVE on stage at AUA2025! Learn More ➡️ https://t.co/56IaHVuDxU #AUA25 #Urology #AUAMembers https://t.co/hfynEkiXVT