Mashup Score: 20
A 5-year-old Turner syndrome patient with isochromosome Xq karyotype [46,X,i(X)(q10)] was referred for ophthalmic examination. Wide fundus photography revealed a concentric macular rings sign (A), and OCT showed a well-developed fovea with dentate-like alternating hyperreflective and hyporeflective bands in the Henle’s fiber layer (B, white arrows). The karyogram of the patient shows an isochromosome with deleted short arm (Xp) and duplicated long arm (Xq) (C, black arrow). Although foveal hypoplasia is the condition most commonly associated with the concentric macular rings sign, this sign can be observed in a normal retina, inherited retinal diseases, and tractional retinal disorders.
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Mashup Score: 28
Development of evidence-based guidelines for keratorefractive lenticule extraction (KLEx).
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Mashup Score: 49Subconjunctival Iris Incisional Herniation - 16 day(s) ago
A 71-year-old man presented with a progressively enlarging pigmented mass in his right eye for 3 months (A). He underwent uneventful cataract surgery 10 years prior and reported no history of ocular trauma. Visual acuity in the right eye was 20/40. Slit-lamp examination revealed that the mass was covered by a thin layer of vascular tissue (B), with the pupil displaced superiorly, indicating that the mass resulted from gradual herniation of the iris through a limbal incision that had been covered by conjunctiva.
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Mashup Score: 4Retinopathy in Mucopolysaccharidoses. - 22 day(s) ago
To determine the pattern(s) of onset, variation, and progression of retinopathy in patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS).
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Mashup Score: 3Associations between School-Based Vision Program Outcomes and School Characteristics in 410 Schools - 23 day(s) ago
School-based vision programs (SBVPs) deliver vision care services directly to students at school, helping address disparities in access to pediatric vision care. We aim to evaluate the associations between SBVP outcomes and school-level characteristics.
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Mashup Score: 6Seasonal Effects on Corneal Immune Cells - 27 day(s) ago
People regularly deal with seasonal allergies, but how much do these environmental factors affect our corneas? Dr. Matt Feng sits down with Dr. Laura Downie to discuss her recent Ophthalmology article, “Intravital Imaging of the Human Cornea Reveals the Differential Effects of Season on Innate and Adaptive Immune Cell Morphodynamics.”
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Mashup Score: 4
To determine the risk of uveitis among e-cigarette users
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Mashup Score: 32
A 41-year-old woman presented with a sudden visual field defect in both eyes. She was a high hyperope with an axial length of 15 mm of both eyes and visual acuity of 20/200. Fundus examination revealed congested choroid with widespread chorioretinal folds observed on (A and B) plates and (E and F) as radiating folds. OCT-scan showed choroidal folds and a few macular cysts and an absent foveal depression (C and D). (Magnified version of Figure A-F is available online at www.aaojournal.org).
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Mashup Score: 25
A 59-year-old woman with stage IV cutaneous melanoma, metastatic to multiple sites, presented with floaters in her left eye (A) with visual acuity of 20/50 and preretinal deposits on OCT (B). Her condition was controlled systemically with nivolumab therapy. Diagnostic pars plana vitrectomy confirmed vitreous metastasis from cutaneous melanoma cytologically. Treatment with intravitreal injection of melphalan (10-20 μg/0.1 ml) monthly for a total of 3 planned sessions resulted in tumor regression (C), observed on OCT (D), and with visual acuity of 20/60.
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Mashup Score: 6
Nerve growth factor treatment significantly improved visual acuity and non-visual outcomes and reversed the trend of visual decline in 1,476 patients with neurotrophic keratopathy within the IRIS Registry.
Source: www.aaojournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OphthalmologyTweet
Concentric Macular Rings Sign in a Patient with Variant Turner Syndrome https://t.co/v5OR0dtga3 #ophthalmology https://t.co/6tJfthY0M0