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    If you want to be more productive and achieve your goals quicker, this article shares 6 traits of highly productive people. Use these habits of productive people to increase work efficiency.

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    • Weds. Myriad distractions but show up, get it done. Focus. Rx 1. COVID: 1 M new cases Jan 3 (CNBC). Be smart. Mask up. 2. Critical: sleep, exercise, routines. 3. Ruthlessly prioritize energy. 4. Rivet 3 goals into calendar. 5. Write it down. https://t.co/5PJJVb2gOn #burnout https://t.co/Z9QP5kUIiV

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Likely, the biggest breakthrough in medicine of all time will be the reversal of the aging process. The reasons for this are logical and straightforward, but are still all too little known, even by the medical community and pharmaceutical companies.  Medicine, and human health in general, has been notoriously difficult to disrupt. Progress is very […]

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    • You know where I stand with #longevity: I think being an empowered patient and just accessing your #medical# records properly would give you a higher chance for a long and #healthy #life than waiting for a #miracle #drug that "cures" aging. 👉 https://t.co/g1kfPRc0bw https://t.co/3SzUTCFzya

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Likely, the biggest breakthrough in medicine of all time will be the reversal of the aging process. The reasons for this are logical and straightforward, but are still all too little known, even by the medical community and pharmaceutical companies.  Medicine, and human health in general, has been notoriously difficult to disrupt. Progress is very […]

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    • Why reversing aging will transform medicine, and society https://t.co/2cGQA5veep