Mashup Score: 0COVID's Shocking Effect on Black Life Expectancy - 2 year(s) ago
Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, sums up the effect of the pandemic on our community and the government’s response.
Source: The RootCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 10
Biden’s executive order will establish a national Law Enforcement Accountability Database and outlaw chokeholds for 100,000 federal officers.
Source: The RootCategories: Hematologists1, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 1Biden, Harris Respond To Leaked SCOTUS Abortion Opinion - 3 year(s) ago
The country’s first Black VP fears a broad erosion of rights.
Source: The RootCategories: General Medicine Journals and Societies, Latest HeadlinesTweet-
Biden, Harris Respond To Leaked @SCOTUS Abortion Opinion. The NMA, a professional organization representing Black physicians, said reversing Roe would be “catastrophic” for Black & brown women and “set a chilling precedent for the medical field.” https://t.co/EMe5iSGRdG #RoeVWade https://t.co/vWvSsBI7J2
Mashup Score: 16
The Center for Black Maternal Health and Reproductive Justice will focus on ensuring Black women have equal access to quality maternal health care
Source: The RootCategories: Hematologists1, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Mom Creates Platform for Positive Black Parenting - 3 year(s) ago
Parenting Decolonized helps Black parents unpack their emotional baggage and raise healthy, happy children
Source: The RootCategories: Latest Headlines, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Mom Creates Platform for Positive Black Parenting - 3 year(s) ago
Parenting Decolonized helps Black parents unpack their emotional baggage and raise healthy, happy children
Source: The RootCategories: Latest Headlines, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 1
The Roots partner with Disney+ to create Rise Up, Sing Out animated shorts
Source: The RootCategories: Latest Headlines, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 27Study: COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy has Dropped Among Black People - 3 year(s) ago
The hesitancy has come from past trauma such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and the unethical use of cancer cells from Henrietta Lacks
Source: The RootCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 13Q&A: Trymaine Lee Discusses Being Black at Harvard and Weighs in on the HBCU vs. PWI Debate - 3 year(s) ago
The MSNBC correspondent discusses his fellowship and what it means to be Black at Harvard
Source: The RootCategories: Healthcare Professionals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 9Damien Fair - The Root 100 - 2021 - 3 year(s) ago
The Root’s annual list of the most influential African Americans in the fields of arts, community, business, entertainment, media, politics, science and sports.
Source: The RootCategories: Addiction Medicine, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Take 1 minute to watch @ashishkjha break down the causes of disparities in #COVID19 life expectancy which include, but not limited to, a systemic response that was inequitable, an inequitable health care system, and systemic racism and SDOH. https://t.co/TXcplMi1Xp