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    Rotavirus infections kill thousands of kids every year around the world, but far fewer than before the introduction of a safe and effective vaccine in 2006. Now it looks like the vaccine may also prev

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    • This is an interesting claim that is almost certainly wrong considering that T1DM is likely a post-viral autoimmune phenomenon, which is probably why rates have gone down after introduction of the rotavirus vaccine. https://t.co/cRC1t4z417 https://t.co/qVr1j0VeA8

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    Before you start your New Year’s detox, this one weird tip will save you time, money, and possibly your health.

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    • The one thing you need to know before you detox: Before you start your New Year’s detox, this one weird tip will save you time, money, and possibly your health. https://t.co/hym9zW5IYp via @PharmacistScott

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    Though calls for “debates” are made by unserious people, unserious people can do serious damage when they are willing to spread disinformation about vaccines, all because a doctor with principles isn’

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    • The Pandemic As Spectacle: Though calls for “debates” are made by unserious ppl, they can do serious damage when they are willing to spread disinfo abt vaxx, all because a Dr w/ principles isn’t willing 2 play his part in their absurd theater. https://t.co/d7DPy7UrD6 via @19joho