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    Tendler et al argue that, in considering transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment, providers should refer to recent guidelines and literature reports instead of universally excluding patients based on outdated, conservative manufacturer guidance documents.

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    • 4 theoretical concerns of conducting TMS with an implanted or non-removable device present. https://t.co/kJ8uaAPYpW

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    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for people with serious mental illness. A clinical decision support tool produced a significant relative reduction in total modifiable cardiovascular risk for intervention patients versus controls.

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    • Clinical decision support tool that looks at patients with 3 subtypes of serious mental illness resulted in a significant 4% total reduction in modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. https://t.co/d7YEpdmYYE #schizophrenia #BipolarDisorder

  • Mashup Score: 2

    ABSTRACT Psychosis is a psychiatric emergency that affects up to 1 in 500 women postpartum and can result from various etiologies. We present a case vignette and review of the relevant literature to highlight the broad differential diagnosis of postpartum psychosis with atypical features. Recommendations for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with complex neuropsychiatric symptoms…

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    • Is it postpartum psychosis, catatonia, or #BipolarDisorder? https://t.co/jwXIwieHbk https://t.co/DowH5HQMsm

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    Improved identification and integrated clinical management of sociodemographic, military, and health risk factors may help mitigate disability risk and promote the maintenance of functional capacity in US veterans.

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    • An up-to-date estimate of the prevalence and sociodemographic, military, and health correlates of functional disability in US veterans. 🇺🇸 https://t.co/BqZHcx7Jv6