Mashup Score: 0Artificial intelligence-assisted interpretation of systolic function by echocardiogram - 2 year(s) ago
Objective Precise and reliable echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is needed for clinical decision-making. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) models have been developed to estimate LVEF accurately. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether an AI model could estimate an expert read of LVEF and reduce the interinstitutional variability of level 1…
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0
Objective Risk-guided atrial fibrillation (AF) screening may be an opportunity to prevent adverse events in addition to stroke. We compared events rates for new diagnoses of cardio-renal-metabolic diseases and death in individuals identified at higher versus lower-predicted AF risk. Methods From the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink-GOLD dataset, 2 January 1998–30 November 2018, we…
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0
Objective Risk-guided atrial fibrillation (AF) screening may be an opportunity to prevent adverse events in addition to stroke. We compared events rates for new diagnoses of cardio-renal-metabolic diseases and death in individuals identified at higher versus lower-predicted AF risk. Methods From the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink-GOLD dataset, 2 January 1998–30 November 2018, we…
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 3
Objective Risk-guided atrial fibrillation (AF) screening may be an opportunity to prevent adverse events in addition to stroke. We compared events rates for new diagnoses of cardio-renal-metabolic diseases and death in individuals identified at higher versus lower-predicted AF risk. Methods From the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink-GOLD dataset, 2 January 1998–30 November 2018, we…
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Topic Collection | Open Heart - 2 year(s) ago
Open Heart is seeking submissions for a topic collection on Heart Failure. Find out more details and how to submit.
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Continuous long-term heart rate variability and risk assessment in pulmonary hypertension - 2 year(s) ago
Objective Current multimodal risk assessment for pulmonary hypertension (PH) has been redefined with a simplified assessment for follow-up in the new European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society (ESC/ERS) guidelines. Follow-up risk assessment parameters include WHO functional class, 6 min walk test and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide. Although these parameters have…
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Recurrent myocardial infarction and emergency department visits: a retrospective study on the Stockholm Area Chest Pain Cohort - 2 year(s) ago
Background Patients who experience acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are at risk of recurrent AMI. Contemporary data on recurrent AMI and its association with return emergency department (ED) visits for chest pain are needed. Methods This Swedish retrospective cohort study linked patient-level data from six participating hospitals to four national registers to construct the Stockholm Area Chest…
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Digitally enabled acute care for atrial fibrillation: conception, feasibility and early outcomes of an AF virtual ward - 2 year(s) ago
Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) represents a growing healthcare challenge, mainly driven by acute hospitalisations. Virtual wards could be the way forward to manage acute AF patients through remote monitoring, especially with the rise in global access to digital telecommunication and the growing acceptance of telemedicine post-COVID-19. Methods An AF virtual ward was implemented as a…
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Topic Collection | Open Heart - 2 year(s) ago
Open Heart is seeking submissions for a topic collection on Heart Failure. Find out more details and how to submit.
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Continuous long-term heart rate variability and risk assessment in pulmonary hypertension - 2 year(s) ago
Objective Current multimodal risk assessment for pulmonary hypertension (PH) has been redefined with a simplified assessment for follow-up in the new European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society (ESC/ERS) guidelines. Follow-up risk assessment parameters include WHO functional class, 6 min walk test and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide. Although these parameters have…
Source: Open HeartCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
AIをいかに心エコー図法で使っていくかの一案を示した論文がBMJ関連誌に掲載! AIはLevel 1読影者の心エコーによるEFの読影者間のばらつきを減少させ,精度と誤差を改善させる. Artificial intelligence-assisted interpretation of systolic function by echocardiogram https://t.co/R4EVDeCYyg