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    HPV is a common sexually transmitted virus; oncogenic types lead to HPVattributable cancers. Vaccines are highly effective for preventing HPV vaccine–type infection, precancers, and other attributable conditions. | NEJM Resident 360

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    • Clinical Pearls & Morning Reports: Human Papillomavirus Vaccination. How effective is HPV vaccination? https://t.co/URSJJL3f1j #MedEd #MedTwitter #HPV #HPVvaccine https://t.co/qV9xjlQZDH

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    Choueiri et al. conducted a phase 3 trial that evaluated cabozantinib in addition to nivolumab and ipilimumab (experimental group) as compared with placebo in addition to nivolumab and ipilimumab (control group) in patients with previously untreated advanced… | NEJM Resident 360

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    • Clinical Pearls & Morning Reports: Cabozantinib in Renal-Cell Carcinoma. How did the addition of cabozantinib to nivolumab and ipilimumab affect outcomes in the trial by Choueiri et al.? https://t.co/x1FzWBiasr #MedEd #MedTwitter https://t.co/w4sns1ifLG

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    Most physicians remember the day they discovered where they would spend the next several years in residency training. Many also remember the moment elation gave way to reality as they began to calculate the cost of living and loans (averaging nearly $200,000) and realize it was more than their future… | NEJM Resident 360

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    • Expert Consult: Valuing the Resident Physician: Advocating for Change. Early career physicians need to be offered fair compensation to continue to attract diverse talent to the medical field. https://t.co/NgMrCrRdPZ #MedEd #MedTwitter #Residency #ResidentLife https://t.co/QzsyAQb0zi

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    Lee at al. conducted a randomized trial that investigated whether intravascular imaging–guided PCI with the use of intravascular ultrasonography or optical coherence tomography (OCT) would improve clinical outcomes as compared with angiography-guided PCI in patients with complex… | NEJM Resident 360

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    • Clinical Pearls & Morning Reports: Intravascular Imaging- or Angiography-Guided PCI. How does factitious disorder differ from malingering? #MedEd #MedTwitter https://t.co/dlyoO15Crk https://t.co/1DYPLhda7U

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    Lee at al. conducted a randomized trial that investigated whether intravascular imaging–guided PCI with the use of intravascular ultrasonography or optical coherence tomography (OCT) would improve clinical outcomes as compared with angiography-guided PCI in patients with complex… | NEJM Resident 360

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    • Clinical Pearls & Morning Reports: Neonatal Seizures. What medicines are used to treat neonatal seizures? #MedEd #MedTwitter #pediatrics #neoTwitter https://t.co/1dWtM9D0TZ https://t.co/QcE7YbYzye

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    A 25-year-old woman with a history of acute intermittent porphyria was admitted with abdominal pain and jerking movements of the arm and leg. Symptoms did not abate with hemin treatment. A diagnosis was made. … | NEJM Resident 360

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    • Clinical Pearls & Morning Reports. A Woman with Abdominal Pain and Jerking Movements. From the NEJM Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. https://t.co/xRTZGrthd6 #MedEd #MedTwitter

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    In men with prostate cancer on PSA screening, radical treatments led to half the incidence of metastasis and local progression as active monitoring without affecting disease-specific or overall survival. … | NEJM Resident 360

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    • Clinical Pearls & Morning Reports: 15-Year Outcomes for Prostate Cancer Therapies. In the ProtecT trial, how did outcomes with active monitoring, prostatectomy, or radiotherapy compare after a median follow-up of 15 years? https://t.co/tdWy52fbXx #MedEd #MedTwitter https://t.co/Wo6CG75dhx

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    The perennial question of whether to use glucocorticoids to treat patients with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) continues to consume hours of discussion in intensive care units (ICUs). Pneumonia elicits an inflammatory response in the lung, which left unchecked, can lead to a deleterious decline in pulmonary function and oxygenation. Glucocorticoids… | NEJM Resident 360

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    • From Pages to Practice: Should Glucocorticoids Be All the Rage in the Treatment of CAP? The perennial question of whether to use glucocorticoids to treat patients with CAP continues to consume hours of discussion in ICUs.... https://t.co/uNsuBriby9 #MedEd #MedTwitter #pneumonia https://t.co/WiU5CBT1SW

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    In a trial involving patients with large acute strokes, endovascular thrombectomy resulted in better functional outcomes than medical care alone but was associated with vascular complications. | NEJM Resident 360

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    • Clinical Pearls & Morning Reports: Thrombectomy for Large Ischemic Strokes. In the trial by Sarraj et al., how did thrombectomy plus medical care compare with medical care alone among patients with ... #MedEd #MedTwitter #clinicalpearls #morningreports https://t.co/RNEE52n6MC https://t.co/eMJSXAZjW9

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    BCS is a lethal disease characterized by an obstruction of the hepatic venous outflow tract due to thrombosis or a primary disease of the venous wall. Recent advances have improved our understanding of BCS and its outcomes. | NEJM Resident 360

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    • Clinical Pearls & Morning Reports: Primary Budd–Chiari Syndrome. What is the most common underlying disorder in patients with primary Budd–Chiari (BCS) syndrome? #clinicalpearls #morningreports #MedED #MedTwitter https://t.co/zPahKaqUS4 https://t.co/o45cURXDvZ