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    There’s a link between the amount of diversity in employees’ Twitter networks and the quality of their ideas.

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    • How Twitter Users Can Generate Better Ideas: Research suggests that employees with a diverse Twitter network — one that exposes them to people and ideas they don’t already know — tend to generate better ideas. https://t.co/BuPWZh3FC2 via @Eoin541 et al https://t.co/6JOy6hMAOM

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    Awareness of the most common elements of toxic workplace cultures can help employers prevent and address them.

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    • 1/ #AfterDarkWisdom from @AdamMGrant👇 Academia is notorious for embracing those articulate, lowkey purveyors of toxic cultures** & their (incremental) ‘success.’ **The toxic five attributes—disrespectful, noninclusive, unethical, cutthroat, abusive⤵️ 🌐https://t.co/JXk3DDqr7J https://t.co/HqKazNeRwm https://t.co/VMlTCBHKbN

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    Fostering a culture where character is valued equally alongside competence can result in better decisions and outcomes.

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    • Make Leader Character Your Competitive Edge: Character is about a lot more than ethics and fostering a culture where it is valued equally alongside competence can result in better decisions and better outcomes. https://t.co/nlRcxKBYx8 via @iveyleadership researchers https://t.co/008Rcz2ceK