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    Do you have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them? Here are 10 best tips on how to finish what you start.

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    • Fri. Open files devour brain power. Unfinished tasks consume energy. Commit to complete X. Rx, 1. Write it down now. 2. Searing focus: 1 project at a time. 3. Ruthlessly block time to “do it.” 4. Visualize day unfolding. 5. Nonnegotiable: sleep 7 hrs. https://t.co/mUVq2qqCgc https://t.co/8X3fFDpUvE

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    Our minds are at their most focused and capable in the morning. It’s important to make the most of this state of mind.

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    • Tues. Decisively plan to get in the “zone.” Searing attention to X. Or aimlessly drift. Rx, 1. Email: their problem. Do not access 1st thing in AM. 2. Eat the frog. Do Big Stuff in morning. 3. Write it down. Put it away. 4. Daily consistent rituals. https://t.co/a7i9O56T11 https://t.co/ekphEdCt8E

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    Learn how to spend your day right by starting your morning right. Learn 7 steps on how to own your morning and take back control of each of your days.

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    • Weds. Decisively plan: “own” the day or it “owns” us. Be intentional. Rx, 1. Tackle 1 Big Rock in AM when energy high. 2. Ruthlessly limit email access. 3. 1 project, 1 hr, no interruptions. 4. Sleep 7 hrs. Not optional. 5. Visualize the day unfolding. https://t.co/8ikNsaiZhy https://t.co/CKVCDyAMfG

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Do you have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them? Here are 10 best tips on how to finish what you start.

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    • Fri. Commit to complete that 1 nagging task. Or it devours cognitive capacity. Rx, 1. Write down what needs to be done. 2. Prune media, email access. 3. Ruthlessly block interruptions, distractions. 4. Visualize the day unfolding. https://t.co/mUVq2qHFic https://t.co/2Pcp3hAzVW

  • Mashup Score: 3

    When it comes to organizing your week, I’m sure it feels like the weeks fly by so quickly that you can’t help but ask yourself, “What did I do last week?”

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    • New wk. 168 hrs. Carpe diem. Carpe sabbati. Decisively commit now to 3 goals. Rx, 1. Consistent routines: fitness, meals, sleep. 2. Focus on Big Issues in AM. 3. Visualize day unfolding. 4. Limit email access: 3xd. 5. Get XYZ done ! No interruptions. https://t.co/XnugYqnLDv https://t.co/5YekdWG7Jl

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    Jay Z didn’t become worth $520 million by only wanting it five out of seven days of the week. Read the top 12 weekend habits of highly successful people.

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    • Wkend. Not just another 60 hrs. Slow down, reflect. Where are we, where do we need to be ? Rx, 1. Seriously unplug, mute notifications. 2. Limit mindless chores. 3. Follow our passion: piano, art, reading. 4. Daily routines: sleep, meals, exercise. https://t.co/cvYRMPnIkQ https://t.co/faPD154Cc5