• Mashup Score: 0

    Do you have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them? Here are 10 best tips on how to finish what you start.

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    • Friday. Reflect on past wk. What worked, what did not ? Time wasted ? Open files devour brain power. Commit to complete XYZ. Rx, 1. Rivet 3 must do’s in calendar. 2. Mute notifications. 3. Write it down or it won’t get done. 4. Visualize day unfolding. https://t.co/mUVq2qqCgc https://t.co/hbiT08csNw

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Learn how to spend your day right by starting your morning right. Learn 7 steps on how to own your morning and take back control of each of your days.

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    • Thurs. Deliberately plan: “own” the day or risk our serenity. Rx, 1. Rivet 3 nonnegotiable goals into calendar. 2. Searing focus: 1 task, 1 hr, no interruptions. 3. Write it down, put it away. 4. We set our agenda, not someone else. 5. Prove ‘em wrong. https://t.co/8ikNsaAA96 https://t.co/Pp43I3eGYp

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Easily distracted? Check out this article for 11 smart tips on how to not get distracted and start focusing!

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    • Weds. 24 hrs to make a difference. But how to contain chaos ? Rx, 1. Visualize the day unfolding. 2. Plan the night b4. 3. Bolt 3 critical nonnegotiable tasks into calendar. 4. Commit to 1 key project in AM when energy is high. https://t.co/YXVJWArpex https://t.co/zka7xs6vyi

  • Mashup Score: 4

    If there’s one thing we all wish we knew how to do, it’s definitely how to get more done in a day… here are 7 ideas that really work.

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    • Weds. Digital demons fog focus. Be decisive w limited energy or we drift. Rx, 1. Rivet 3 priorities into schedule. 2. No compromise: sleep, meals, exercise. 3. Written list of “must do’s”. 4. Visualize the day unfolding. 5. Be periodically unavailable. https://t.co/FyBEfLVupm https://t.co/SWuKOKkcVA

  • Mashup Score: 1

    When it comes to organizing your week, I’m sure it feels like the weeks fly by so quickly that you can’t help but ask yourself, “What did I do last week?”

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    • Sun. Deliberately map out the week. Anticipate. Set agenda. Rx, 1. Align energy w 3 goals/d. 2. Insert 3 must do’s into the day. 3. Put essentials out the nite B4: keys, wallet. 4. Ruthlessly block time: music, exercise. 5. Mute notifications now. https://t.co/XnugYqnLDv https://t.co/rT1sCAz1fQ

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Focus is key to success and happiness in life. Highly focused people are mindful. They don’t do many things that many of us are prone to do.

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    • Tues. Deliberately map the day. Or digital demons of distraction devour hours. And we drift. Rx, 1. Rivet 3 critical tasks into schedule. 2. Consistent routines: sleep, meals. 3. Be kind, be thankful. 4. Improve at X. 5. Searing focus: 1 task at a time. https://t.co/siDCXVEVnm https://t.co/wIRp6pkmt7

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Do you have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them? Here are 10 best tips on how to finish what you start.

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    • Fri. Unfinished tasks devour energy and cloud focus. Commit to complete XYZ. Rx, 1. Brain dump. Write it down. 2. Block time to “just do it.” No excuses. 3. Interrupted ? 25 min to refocus. 4. Mute devices. 5. Ruthlessly guard time for our passions. https://t.co/mUVq2qq4qE https://t.co/cBD7VN3lw8

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Do you have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them? Here are 10 best tips on how to finish what you start.

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    • Fri. Unfinished tasks consume energy. Connect dots. Move on. Rx, 1. Write everything down on 1 list. 2. Bolt 2 priorities into schedule. 3. 1st things 1st. Keep main thing the main thing. 4. Put stuff away. https://t.co/mUVq2qq4qE https://t.co/DsPGOLvTig

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Even though Rome wasn’t built in a day, throughout the span of 24-hours, a great deal of work can be achieved en route to the most productive 24-hour day.

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    • Thurs. Unimaginable global challenges can consume us. But need to show up, get it done, be present. Rx, 1. Visualize the day unfolding. 2. Limit email/media access. 3. Deliberately unplug. 4. Bolt 3 priorities into calendar. 5. Sleep 7 hrs. https://t.co/iOylEHMMYq #mindfulness. https://t.co/D5pdPQcVLe

  • Mashup Score: 0

    When it comes to organizing your week, I’m sure it feels like the weeks fly by so quickly that you can’t help but ask yourself, “What did I do last week?”

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    • Sunday. Slow down, reflect. But show up, do the work. Decisively map out the week. Rx, 1. Commit: 3 written priorities added to schedule. 2. Send “thank you” note to… 3. Routines: meals, exercise, sleep. 4. Guard our calendar. 5. Be totally “present.” https://t.co/XnugYqnLDv https://t.co/ta8gG1wpN8