• Mashup Score: 0
    Sanger Sequencing - 2 year(s) ago

    Educational Resources: Learn about DNA sequencing and the Sanger Sequencing method.

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    • The best explanation on Sanger genotyping I have ever found! https://t.co/y3Y1tc10jj (putting it here so as to remember where I can find it in the future!)

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Events: Explore the growth of misinformation in STEM. Untangle complex ideas around fake news and build skills to tackle this growing problem. Freaturing Tim Caulfiend, Samantha Yammine aka Science Sam, Ive Velikova, Anatoliy Gruzd and Jessica Allingham.

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    • Let's Talk Misinformation! Soon! Looking forward to this @LetsTalkScience's event today! Amazing team, including @heysciencesam @ScienceWithIve @gruzd @JessicaAllingh1 & many #Students #Teachers et al! @ScienceUpFirst @StemCellNetwork 🙏 Register here: https://t.co/vCYPwwlTN7