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    Page 2 of 11Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology Perspective death from any cause, whichever occurs first. Most commonly, progres- sion of solid tumours is determined using the revised Response Evalu- ation Criteria In Solid Tumors (RECIST 1.1) guidelines5 , which define progressive disease as an increase of ≥20% in the sum of diameters of target lesions (maximum of five and two per organ, each >10…

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    • This is such an elegant and important paper! For composite endpoints such as progression-free survival, it is pivotal to report all components of endpoint separately. Most studies don't do so. Non paywalled link: https://t.co/ukWNfpLGS5 @anushka_walia4 @VPrasadMDMPH https://t.co/IRZYc4x6Jc https://t.co/YtAsYQDV3G

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    J. Ped. article.pdf - 7 month(s) ago

    Page 2 of 8Considerable research, mostly in Europe, has focused on children’s independent mobility (CIM), defined as children’s freedom to travel in their neighborhood or city without adult accompaniment. That research has revealed significant de- clines in CIM, especially between 1970 and 1990, but also some large national differences. For example, surveys regarding the “licenses” (permissions)…

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    • Decline in independent activity as a cause of decline in children's mental well-being: Summary of the evidence https://t.co/FLimIWhLzl https://t.co/wfkHILzAKX

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    329TEASLIDES.pdf - 7 month(s) ago

    Page 5 of 10Characteristics of the Participants BMI: body mass index, WC: waist circumference, SBP: systolic blood pressure, DBP: diastolic blood pressure, FPG: fasting plasma glucose, 2hPG: 2-h postprandial glucose, HbA1c: hemoglobin A1c, UG: Urine glucose, morning, M-UGCR: Spot Urine Glucose-to-Creatinine Ratios, TC: total cholesterol, TG: triglyceride, LDL-C: low- density lipoprotein…

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    • A correlational study finds daily #tea drinkers are 28% less likely to have diabetes and 15% less likely to have prediabetes. Explore the tea types that shine. Darker tea, like black tea, was most beneficial in this analysis. https://t.co/v3rxShx6zV #DiabetesPrevention https://t.co/Erw4jm2L4t

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    Page 2 of 52 www.thelancet.com/haematology Published online October 3, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-3026(23)00175-8 Viewpoint complete response after four to six cycles of Dara-VCD, what transplantation-related mortality risk are we willing to accept for the hope of improving durability of complete response? The current European Hematology Association- International Society of Amyloidosis…

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    • An excellent overview of the role (or not) of autologous transplant in AL Amyloidosis. Tons of nuance here- simply the best commentary on this topic I have ever read. Non paywalled link: https://t.co/65iOOxTR3M https://t.co/upP1yCqzY5 #mmsm @rajshekharucms https://t.co/PEOyHouviE

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    Page 2 of 102鈴木大慈 2 所属 ➢ 東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科数理情報学専攻・准教授 ➢ 東大次世代知能科学研究センター研究部門研究者(研究知能部門) ➢ 理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター 深層学習理論チーム チームリーダー 専門 ➢ 機械学習,数理統計学,統計的学習理論 解釈可能性: 説明可能性,データの可視化,メンテナ ンスの容易化 各種テクニックの解析: アーキテクチャの解析,損失関数の設計, 最適化技法の解析 深層学習の原理解明: 「表現理論」「汎化誤差理論」「最適化 理論」 学習の本質解明: “良い”学習手法の特徴付け,統一理論, 深層学習を優越する方法論の提唱 応用 基礎 鈴木大慈 情報理工学系研究科 確率論 幾何学 関数解析 数学 最適化理論 数理統計 スパース推定 カーネル法 関連する機械学習理論 特徴抽出 深層学習の理論 主な研究内容 ➢…

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    • RT @btreetaiji: 先日,学術変革領域研究(A)「学習物理学の創成」の領域会議にて拡散モデルのチュートリアル講演をさせていただきました.その時の資料を少し修正したものを公開します. https://t.co/HvQfRfqIQ3

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    Page 3 of 36Oncopep�des AB Melfufen Powder for Solu�on for Infusion Module 1.11.3: Clinical Informa�on Amendment 3 1. Execu�ve summary The interpreta�on of the results of the melflufen study OP-103 is challenging due to the dissociated PFS and OS results with significantly heterogenic OS HRs across the age-spectrum. This dissocia�on between PFS and OS is caused by pomalidomide OS effect…

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    • Oncopeptides thinks it has found a smoking gun and that IMiDs shouldnt be used in older patients with myeloma anymore. They released a document to support their claim: https://t.co/Jbi8kC2oyZ They also think melflufen is the answer Whats the truth? My take in this🧵 #mmsm https://t.co/bYD2RrHp9o

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    Page 2 of 6An evidence-based process using the best available literature and expert-opinion consensus was used to develop the Spine Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS; Table 1).12-14 In this classification system, tumor-related instability is assessed by adding together six individual component scores: spine location, pain, lesion bone quality, radio- graphic alignment, vertebral body collapse,…

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    • La escala SINS no es sólo para traumatólogos. Todo aquel que atiende pacientes con Compresión Medular Maligna debe de conocerla. https://t.co/fXPN7ApDKL

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    9/4/23.mp4 - 8 month(s) ago

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    • Viral mutations, political sensations, and Barbie transformations. What's ailing today's headlines? Watch us on @dailyblastlive and answer them together! Full Story: https://t.co/oap6b95St0 https://t.co/uJoOsFbzRw

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    • Hablando de salud: Autentica 107.5 FM. Lo que el público quiere saber sobre el trasplante renal. Invitados: Alfredo Gonzalez y Oscar Sánchez. Escucha el audio completo de la entrevista.@josuevillegas @wilmman @Lawebdelasalud1 https://t.co/sPq4T58ENg https://t.co/ay6Nc36AOh https://t.co/ecrdqKmlxh