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    The Tigerlily Foundation, an advocacy organization supporting young women diagnosed with breast cancer, wants to help close the racial disparities in diagnosis and treatment.

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    • Breast Cancer Is Killing Black Women at Alarming Rates | https://t.co/nqXY040bah powerful story of @Maimah founder of @tigerlilycares thank you for speaking up 🙏🏾🙏🏾 @SABCSSanAntonio #bcsm #breastcancer

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    Three experts explain what causes lumpy boobs, when to see a doctor, and how to keep your girls healthy.

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    • “Lumps aren’t the only breast change worth noting.” Swati Kulkarni,MD, @LurieCancer @NorthwesternMed discussed when to see a doctor and what to expect https://t.co/UGfQCfuy6H in @glamourmag #breastcancer #bcsm @thepromisestudy

  • Mashup Score: 6

    The Tigerlily Foundation, an advocacy organization supporting young women diagnosed with breast cancer, wants to help close the racial disparities in diagnosis and treatment.

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    • #MBC therapies are improving in terms of lengthening survival largely due to advances made in #clinicaltrials. But, “clinical trials often have only a small percentage of people of color. We want to change that.” - @ASCOPres via @glamourmag https://t.co/mWnrewuveW #bcsm

  • Mashup Score: 7

    At Elmhurst Hospital, women make up almost 75% of the staff. With the virus on a warpath, they rushed to the front lines.

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    • .@glamourmag names Women of the Year to hero’s @NYCHealthSystem /Elmhurst “As COVID19 spread across the US one hospital in NY found itself in the epicenter of the epicenter. With the virus on a warpath, its staff risked it all in the fight for our lives” https://t.co/J7aJlbcNsH