• Mashup Score: 0

    Google just revealed vision for AI-integrated search — and that vision, apparently, involves cutting digital publishers off at the knees.

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    • التقنية التخريبية، او disruptive technology هي الابتكار العلمي الدي يقضي علي صناعة، مثلا التليفون المحمول قضي علي صناعة التليفون اللاسلكي والارضي، الڤياجرا قضت علي تخصص الضعف الجنسي الطبي، ساعة اپل ستقضي علي رولكس..الخ، والذكاء الاصطناعي هيجيبها الارض! https://t.co/Y3VnEbRpzW

  • Mashup Score: 4

    Google just revealed vision for AI-integrated search — and that vision, apparently, involves cutting digital publishers off at the knees.

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    • Google search used to direct you to websites who were a primary source of information. In its next iteration Google AI will summarize the answer to your question. How will publishers of primary source info continue to monetize their work? https://t.co/02VQQPgbKg