Mashup Score: 664The Chemicals Behind the Colours of Autumn Leaves - 2 year(s) ago
With autumn looming on the horizon, the leaves on some trees have already begun the transition towards the vibrant hues of autumn. Whilst this change may outwardly seem like a simple one, the many …
Source: Compound InterestCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 332The Chemicals Behind the Colours of Autumn Leaves - 2 year(s) ago
With autumn looming on the horizon, the leaves on some trees have already begun the transition towards the vibrant hues of autumn. Whilst this change may outwardly seem like a simple one, the many …
Source: Compound InterestCategories: Hem/Oncs, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Halloween Special: The Chemistry of Blood - 3 year(s) ago
Fake blood is an essential accessory if you’re going for a gory halloween look with your costume this year. There’s a lot of chemistry in the substance it sets out to mimic; we can explain the colo…
Source: Compound InterestCategories: Hematologists1, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 2What are the COVID-19 RNA vaccines and how do they work? - 4 year(s) ago
Click to enlarge By now, we’re all familiar with the image of coronavirus. The spikey blob peppers news websites, looms behind reporters during bulletins and frequently punctuates your Twitte…
Source: Compound InterestCategories: Healthcare Professionals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 16What are the COVID-19 RNA vaccines and how do they work? - 4 year(s) ago
Click to enlarge By now, we’re all familiar with the image of coronavirus. The spikey blob peppers news websites, looms behind reporters during bulletins and frequently punctuates your Twitte…
Source: Compound InterestCategories: Hem/Oncs, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 3Natural vs. Man-Made Chemicals – Dispelling Misconceptions - 5 year(s) ago
The term ‘chemophobia’ has been used on social media amongst chemists with increasing regularity over the past year. Defined as ‘a fear of chemicals’, more specifically it r…
Source: Compound InterestCategories: Healthcare Professionals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
RT @compoundchem: Autumn colours are coming in the northern hemisphere! Here’s a look at the chemistry behind them: https://t.co/f8WQaHNejU…