• Mashup Score: 3

    The next frontier might be neurotech: OpenBCI’s Galea headset, along with advances in assistive controls, points to a wild, wearable road ahead.

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    • I Wore the Future With a Brain-Connected AR-VR Headset The next frontier might be neurotech: OpenBCI's Galea headset, along with advances in assistive controls, points to a wild, wearable road ahead. https://t.co/yRWDFRHmNw

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Body scan companies say they can diagnose cancer faster and that AI can make it cheaper. But there’s a gap between that dream and the medical community’s reality.

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    • Full body scans aren't the future of preventive medicine. It's not about searching every detail, but spotting early signs to catch or prevent disease. Many in the medical field would agree. https://t.co/WJb12YtxI9