• Mashup Score: 4

    The BackTable Urology Podcast is a resource for practicing urologists to learn tips, techniques, and practical advice from their peers in the field. Listen here or on the streaming platform of your choice. This week on BackTable Urology, Dr. Suzette Sutherland (University of Washington) and Dr. Olivia Chang (UC Irvine) discuss reasons for uterine preservation and hysteropexy techniques for prolapse repair. This week on BackTable Urology, Dr. Suzette Sutherland and Dr. Rachel Rubin discuss the diagnosis

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    • Professional highlight to interview Dr. Peter Scardino: gentleman, visionary, & juggernaut in our field! #UroSoMe #prostatecancer @BehfarEhdaie @UrologyMSK @UCSD_Urology @easthamja @AmerUrological @ericklein @MSKCancerCenter https://t.co/DtRgZYkU9T