• Mashup Score: 11

    This Academy report outlines the relationship between climate change and microbes, highlighting research priorities, policy considerations and societal recommendations to combat microbial injustice.

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    • HMS Professor Pamela Silver contributes to @ASMicrobiology's new report explaining the critical importance of microbiology on health, environment, and society in a world of climate change https://t.co/Wf5aO38vwM https://t.co/Xk1b2SVGdc

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    The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is the oldest and largest single life science membership organization in the world. Membership has grown from 59 scientists in 1899 to more than 39,000 members today, with more than one third located outside the United States. The members represent 26 disciplines of microbiological specialization plus a division for microbiology educators.

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    • Consensus on B-lactamases | https://t.co/pml2Ax2IGu https://t.co/6JVNgrateW

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    Hear the latest on microbiome-virome interactions, RNA sequencing for viral diagnosis, the challenges and opportunities for a universal influenza vaccine and more.

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    • I registered for this year’s @thepascv Molecular Virology Workshop and @ASMicrobiology Clinical Virology Symposium in West Palm Beach, FL! Did you? https://t.co/VB13KFG5wc

  • Mashup Score: 2

    ASM volunteer opportunities range from speaking with legislators about funding research during ASM’s annual Hill Day, to writing articles for asm.org, to serving on committees and the Board of Directors.

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    • Are you a current @ASMicrobiology member in good standing & want to get more involved in the society? The ASM Ethics Committee has an open call to identify new members. Candidates with an interest & expertise in scientific #ethics and #rigor should apply: https://t.co/fV4P36a7pw

  • Mashup Score: 3

    The ASM Future Leaders Mentoring Fellowship provides trainees (undergraduate seniors, postbaccalaureate students, and graduate students) from underrepresented groups in the microbial sciences with an opportunity to gain valuable advice for navigating their microbial science careers.

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    • RT @BSingletons: Check out this program from @ASMicrobiology and apply by March 8! https://t.co/OXH6vsqFNL

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Explore the principles of pretest and posttest probability and how they relate to COVID-19 testing and the microbiologic testing of other infectious diseases.

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    • If you have #COVID19 symptoms but #rapidtest is negative, it's probably a false negative, maybe because viral load might not be high at the time (PCR would find it), or more likely you didn't do the swab properly. Good summary of test interpretation here: https://t.co/xh4cOPsPS1