Mashup Score: 2ADMET-AI - 1 year(s) ago
ADMET: The evaluation of pharmacokinetics and toxicity is crucial for the design of new therapeutic candidates. In silico virtual screens and generative AI output a vast number of molecules that must be filtered to a tractable number for synthesis and experimental validation. An effective primary filter is to evaluate candidate compounds based on their A bsorption, D istribution, M etabolism, E xcretion, and T oxicity (ADMET) properties. ADMET-AI: ADMET-AI is a simple, fast, and accurate web interface for
Source: admet.ai.greenstonebio.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
RT @GreenstoneBio: Please see these references for more details! Website: https://t.co/noIg3YfIFU Code: https://t.co/FtR8OgwB2q Paper: http…