Mashup Score: 1Home - Abraham Verghese - 2 year(s) ago
Abraham Verghese, MD, MACP, is Professor and Linda R. Meier and Joan F. Lane Provostial Professor, and Vice Chair for the Theory and Practice of Medicine at the School of Medicine at Stanford University. He is also a best-selling author and a physician with a reputation for his focus on healing in an era where technology often overwhelms the human side of medicine. He received the Heinz Award in…
Source: Abraham VergheseCategories: Healthcare Professionals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 1The Covenant of Water - Abraham Verghese - 2 year(s) ago
Abraham Verghese’s published books: Cutting for Stone, The Tennis Partner, My Own Country, The Covenant Of Water
Source: Abraham VergheseCategories: Healthcare Professionals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Cousin Tom, who is an engineer and the illustrator of The Covenant of Water, explains vanishing points in one of the book’s illustrations. (A reminder that you can see all of the illustrations on my website, https://t.co/AHTMJOajVA.) https://t.co/du1PR3aYRv