Risk evaluation of clade Ib monkeypox virus: Review of evidence as of 10 December 2024
Publications of the World Health Organization
Publications of the World Health Organization
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Het is het eerste geval van het dodelijk virus in meer dan twee jaar tijd in Uganda.
Brazzaville/Kampala – Following the confirmation of an outbreak of Sudan virus disease – which belongs to the same family as Ebola virus disease – in…
Biocontainment including the most recent threat of highly pathogenic avian influenza demands we continue to finance research, and continue cooperation with important organizations like the…
Shionogi’s respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) antiviral for adults has proven its ability to reduce viral load in a phase 2 trial. | Shionogi’s respiratory syncytial…
Dr Leandre Murhala Masirika was looking for the virus in the jungle – then it turned up in his WhatsApp inbox
Canada’s top doctor says she is concerned about measles outbreaks with a growing number of cases acquired locally and spreading in Ontario and Quebec. Dr.
The map of flu activity across the United States continues to darken, both figuratively and literally, as case numbers spike upward in most states, according…
Nature – The mammals carry immune adaptations that emerged when their ancestors took to the skies.
MMR vaccines are safe and effective, but fewer children are getting them.