INNBC DApp, a decentralized application to permanently store biomedical data on a modern, proof-of-stake (POS), blockchain such as BNB Smart Chain – BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
Background A blockchain can be described as a distributed ledger database where, under a consensus mechanism, data are permanently stored in records, called blocks, linked together with cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash function of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data, which are permanently stored in thousands of nodes and never altered. This provides a potential real-world application for generating a permanent, decentralized record of scientific data, taking advantage of blockchain features such as timestamping and immutability. Implementation Here, we propose INNBC DApp, a Web3 decentralized application providing a simple front-end user interface connected with a smart contract for recording scientific data on a modern, proof-of-stake (POS) blockchain such as BNB Smart Chain. Unlike previously proposed blockchain tools that only store a hash of the data on-chain, here the data are stored fully on-chain within the transaction itself as “transacti