FFR-Negative Nonculprit High-Risk Plaques and Clinical Outcomes in High-Risk Populations: An Individual Patient-Data Pooled Analysis From COMBINE (OCT-FFR) and PECTUS-obs | Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions
BACKGROUND: Despite fractional flow reserve (FFR)–guided deferral of revascularization, recurrent events in patients with diabetes or after myocardial infarction remain common. This study aimed to assess the association between FFR-negative but high-risk nonculprit lesions and clinical outcomes. METHODS: This is a patient-level pooled analysis of the prospective natural-history COMBINE (OCT-FFR) study (Optical Coherence Tomography Morphologic and Fractional Flow Reserve Assessment in Diabetes Mellitus Patients) and PECTUS-obs study (Identification of Risk Factors for Acute Coronary Events by OCT After STEMI and NSTEMI Patients With Residual Non- Flow Limiting Lesions). Optical coherence tomography was performed on all FFR-negative (FFR >0.80) native nonculprit lesions. Patients or lesions with a high-risk plaque were compared with those without a high-risk plaque. A high-risk plaque was defined in the presence of at least 2 prespecified criteria: (1) lipid arc ≥90o, (2) minimum fibrous