A pilot study investigating a shorter duration of isatuximab infusion in patients with myeloma
Enrique Ocio, MD, PhD, Marquis of Valdecilla University Hospital, Santander, Spain, comments on a pilot study within a larger Phase Ib study (NCT02513186) of isatuximab, bortezomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone (Isa-VRd) followed by Isa-Rd maintenance in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) not eligible for or with no immediate intent for transplant. The pilot study investigated the feasibility of administering isatuximab in a 30-minute infusion. This approach was found to have favorable tolerability and safety, and Dr Ocio notes that this method is already being implemented in clinical practice. This interview took place at the 66th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, held in San Diego, CA. These works are owned by Magdalen Medical Publishing (MMP) and are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All rights are reserved.