What “dose” of anxiety is needed to awaken transformative action on climate change?
“Eco-anxiety” is growing worldwide, especially among young people.1 Considerable anxiety about the climate crisis is rational, particularly for young people, for whom even 2100 is a tangible date. Deep concern for future human and ecological wellbeing is justified among all ages, not only because of the disturbing evidence of climate breakdown, but also because of the apparent climate change policy paralysis, especially in so-called developed countries—the global North. Climate policy paralysis and hypocrisy are stark given the disturbing evidence of rising global temperatures in the last 18 months. The primary responsibility for climate change lies with the lifestyles and intransigence of the world’s most affluent people, most of whom live in high-income nations including Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia. Although these populations have, to date, been comparatively insulated from the harm caused by climate change, more extreme climate related weather events are becoming increasin