Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: SSO CGSO Videoconference: Melanoma. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.
SSO sponsors educational videoconferences for CGSO Fellows, Residents, and faculty. This session will discuss the management of melanoma in both the localized and metastatic setting. Discussion points will include the role of immunotherapy and intralesional therapy in the management of advanced stages of melanoma. The session will review current evidence supporting the multifaceted treatment of melanoma. Presenting Fellows are Samuel Yellin, MD, 1st year CGSO Fellow from Allegheny Health Network and Cat Brandt, MD, 1st year CGSO Fellow from Aurora Health. The Guest expert will be Michael Lowe, MD from Emory University. Q & A will be opened to the audience. This Dropbox folder contains articles for advance reading: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/zej92u0aqfobzbehqmbz1/AGD3GgvQFkOfMJc7rCn9KBo?rlkey=nudn4y90hsg3td0lj0d0vvcoa&st=gb8pxuk2&dl=0