Mashup Score: 10Accent Discrimination: Drawing Attention to An Invisible Minority - Association for Academic Surgery (AAS) - 4 year(s) ago
My parents immigrated to the US in the 1970s. I grew up in a bilingual home; we spoke a mix of Farsi and English. My parents did not want us to learn Farsi, as they feared this would lead to us speaking English with an accent. Despite this, we learned Farsi, since it was the […]
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TY @SDreamMD for this blog I myself have an accent since English is my 3rd language. I'm used to "where r you from?" or "your English is so good!" but they draw a line b/t them & I #inclusion #Diversity Accent Discrimination https://t.co/etoteFIQ2d via @AcademicSurgery