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    Add to CalendarAdd to CalFri Oct 21, 11:40 AM – 12:00 PM GMT +2 / 9:40 AM – 10:00 AM Your local time   (20 min)Why is everyone talking about health coaching?The industry’s dynamic duo, Marina and Eugene Borukhovich will give a sneak peek into YourCoach’s Health Coaching report 2.0, the role of the health and wellness coach in and around the digital health industry and demystify this fast-growing…

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    • Join @FightingInStyle & I in person (Milan) or virtually at a @FrontiersHealth session: “Why is everyone talking about #healthcoaching?” on October 21! https://t.co/Dl16GM6j1A #health #coaching #digitalhealth https://t.co/Rc8rDVEixb

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    On this Wednesday’s #TheShot of #DigitalHealth Therapy, Jim Joyce needed an intervention as HealthBeacon lost to a potato (you have to watch to find out) so …

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    • On this Wed's #TheShot of #DigitalHealth Therapy, @jimbojoyce & I had the pleasure of chatting w/ the awesome @MedtechTinaTan Exec Editor @fwhealthtech - We chatted: ✏️ How to craft a story ✏️ Health policy ✏️ No-sh$% factor ✏️ NHS & #digitalhealth https://t.co/aJzOY06EY4 https://t.co/lpi55vgqgU

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    ‎Connecting to Apple Music.

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    • In episode 17 of #DTx #Podcast I spoke w/ Nate Beyor, MD at @BCG ✅ New company creation: large company spin-outs vs entrepreneur start ups ✅ What it takes to build a team that can take a #DTx to market ✅ Why build rather than buy a new DTx 🍎 https://t.co/eOdQUMg4FL https://t.co/Lu0bFCw2Vl

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    On this Wednesday’s #TheShot of #DigitalHealth Therapy Jim Joyce and I talked “plants, cells and spiders” with the awesome guest Meri Beckwith, Co-Founder of…

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    • Today on #TheShot of #DigitalHealth Therapy @jimbojoyce & I talked "plants, cells and spiders" with the awesome guest Meri Beckwith, Co-Founder of @LindusHealth : 🪴 🕷 EROOM law in Pharma 🪴 🕷 CRO Business model 🪴 🕷 What matters in #clinicaltrials https://t.co/T9w2dDsYfU

  • Mashup Score: 4

    This Wednesday on #TheShot of #DigitalHealth Therapy, I was surrounded by two public company CEO’s. Jim Joyce and….. Corey McCann, CEO of Pear Therapeutics…

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    • On #TheShot today @jimbojoyce & I hosted @Corey_M_McCann, CEO of @Pear_Tx - We had a lot of ground to cover: 🍐 #DTx as a fundamental modality 🍐 Payer adoption processes 🍐 "Fundamentals are fundamental" 🍐 #DTx market predictions https://t.co/x275EQkjw5 https://t.co/XjRcUtSbCM