Mashup Score: 9Image of the Week - 22 January 2025 - 2 month(s) ago
Your access to the latest cardiovascular news, science, tools and resources.
Source: www.escardio.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 32Pulse Day - Global Arrhythmia Awareness Day - 2 month(s) ago
Pulse Day is an annual global awareness initiative led by EHRA in collaboration with APHRS, HRS and LAHRS to address the knowledge gap on cardiac arrhythmias. Join us in making a difference on #PulseDay and all year round. Learn, connect, educate, and share to increase awareness of cardiac arrhythmias globally. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of millions and promote heart health for all.
Source: www.escardio.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet-
💓 A new year, a renewed commitment to heart health! 💓 In 2025, let's unite to beat #HeartRhythm disorders by supporting #PulseDay https://t.co/FewduCvKxZ 📅 When? 1 March 2025, symbolising '1 in 3' ❓ Why? 1 in 3 of us will develop a serious arrhythmia in our lifetime 💡… https://t.co/DPBEuOCq4P https://t.co/iWDdlcCB44
Mashup Score: 6Climate change and cardiovascular disease webinar on ESC 365 - 2 month(s) ago
Access this webinar on Climate change and cardiovascular disease and more with Professor M. Blaha (United States of America,US),Professor P. Moons (Belgium,BE), Mr S. Busnatu (Romania,RO),Professor T. Ikaheimo (Norway,NO),Associate Professor P. Ljungman (Sweden,SE).
Source: esc365.escardio.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 15EACVI/ESCR Joint Summit on Hot Topics in Cardiac Imaging on ESC 365 - 3 month(s) ago
Seminar on by the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) to improve your practice and prepare for your exams.
Source: esc365.escardio.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 15EACVI/ESCR Joint Summit on Hot Topics in Cardiac Imaging on ESC 365 - 3 month(s) ago
Seminar on by the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) to improve your practice and prepare for your exams.
Source: esc365.escardio.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 2ESC TV Today - Episode 6: Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy - Depression and heart disease on ESC 365 - 3 month(s) ago
This 20-minute episode covers Depression and Heart Disease and more with Professor P. Elliott (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland,GB), Doctor C. Aguiar (Portugal,PT),Professor H. Bueno (Spain,ES),Professor M. Gulati (United States of America,US).
Source: esc365.escardio.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet-
Hector Bueno discusses the importance of screening, PHQ-2 score, the use of antidepressants and their potential limitations on #ESCTVToday https://t.co/HpmN7SgLMX Adults with depressive symptoms were associated with having the following: A) Increased all-cause Mortality B)… https://t.co/1Zr2qlw6au https://t.co/8syx5wrznW
Mashup Score: 15ESC Journals top reviewers 2023 - 3 month(s) ago
Your access to the latest cardiovascular news, science, tools and resources.
Source: www.escardio.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 4ESC TV Today - Episode 6: Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy - Depression and heart disease on ESC 365 - 3 month(s) ago
This 20-minute episode covers Depression and Heart Disease and more with Professor P. Elliott (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland,GB), Doctor C. Aguiar (Portugal,PT),Professor H. Bueno (Spain,ES),Professor M. Gulati (United States of America,US).
Source: esc365.escardio.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet-
.@DrMarthaGulati discusses Hypertensive Disorders during Pregnancy, pre-eclampsia risk, the potential role of soluble-like tyrosine kinase, diagnosis and treatment, the CHAP trial, home BP monitoring, health empowerment and much more on #ESCTVToday https://t.co/5YBCtJPVHG Sign… https://t.co/txmPTyU6QQ https://t.co/fhhOfHPRS9
Mashup Score: 13Valvular prostheses - 3 month(s) ago
AbstractProsthetic heart valves may be mechanical or bioprosthetic. Mechanical valves, which are composed primarily of metal or carbon alloys, are classifi
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet-
Enjoy popular chapters from the ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Imaging Chapter 18, Valvular prostheses: https://t.co/HkYKCqZRd0 The #EACVI Textbook of Echocardiography Chapter 25, Heart failure: left ventricular systolic dysfunction: https://t.co/flPgrMztWq Free access until… https://t.co/aZeGFfiaPD https://t.co/fwxGFC8bbN
Mashup Score: 7ESC TV Today - Episode 6: Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy - Depression and heart disease on ESC 365 - 3 month(s) ago
This 20-minute episode covers Depression and Heart Disease and more with Professor P. Elliott (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland,GB), Doctor C. Aguiar (Portugal,PT),Professor H. Bueno (Spain,ES),Professor M. Gulati (United States of America,US).
Source: esc365.escardio.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet-
Join us as we celebrate the 50th Episode of #ESCTVToday! 🚀 Could a novel score predict Late High-Grade AV Block following #TAVI? Learn more on the D-PACE score and much more on #ESCTVToday with @charles_driving https://t.co/ExVLF5ElMH Sign up for reminders so you Never Miss… https://t.co/6EDgW2IvHN https://t.co/nVio9gOrDU
#ImageOfTheWeek by Francisco Javier Robles Ortiz,Juan Jorge Beltrán Ochoa, Misael Alejandro Medina Servin from Hospital Regional Valentín Gómez Farias, Mexico. What is your diagnosis? https://t.co/fDgKGl5WDh #cardioed #ESCYoung https://t.co/9leTMKVuaO