• Mashup Score: 6

    Listen to this episode from ASTCT Talks on Spotify. In this latest episode of ASTCT Talks, the June President’s Message, we are joined by Dr. Miguel Perales, President of ASTCT and Chief of the Adult Bone Marrow Transplantation Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. This episode features a personal story of a patient with…

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    • Check out this month's @ASTCT podcast on misconceptions and barriers to access that impact referral to HCT and Cell Therapy #bmtsm #CARTcells @Emerging_CAR_T on @Spotify https://t.co/uzMo0pNcAf https://t.co/D3qtEdlfNq

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Who has done one of the family lineage tests, like Ancestry.com? As humans, we have an almost innate desire to learn more about our lineage, our personal “family tree.” Who are the roots we stem from? How do our different branches grow and spread? Likewise, it is important to know and recognize our own scientific and/or professional family tree. As physicians, nurses, pharmacists, APPs, and…

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    • You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees. Reflections on understanding our scientific lineage and how it contributes to who we are @ASTCT https://t.co/XENI2N9u26

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Discover your twin on Twitter now!

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    • Wow! Not sure how this algorithm works but twinned with ASH?!! Who is your Twitter twin? 👯 @DrMiguelPerales = @ASH_hematology DrMiguelPerales and ASH_hematology are Twitter twins! #twitterTwin #toasteed https://t.co/jWhxglUpmE