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    Casita Copán is now hiring for the position of Communications Coordinator in Copán Ruinas. Apply today.

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    • Ever think about living in a beautiful location and working for a fantastic nonprofit? Here is your chance! Please forward to anyone you might think would be interested. https://t.co/70Qkd2GEd2

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    “I am not optimistic. I think it will get harder and harder.” This was St. Lawrence County (NY) farmer Dan Kent’s response when asked how climate change will impact local farmers in the years to come. Localized farming practices have both economic and environmental advantages for the North Country.

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    • Child number 2 @KrugmanRyan has entered the academic publishing (already talented photographer) with an interesting article highlighting some of his work this summer @StLawrenceU looking at the impact of climate change in farming in NY. Great work! https://t.co/6bpdEvEFTm

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    Baltimore Sun

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    • Rough when the top 2 Obituaries in the @baltimoresun are 2 great pediatricians- Alan Lake, peds GI and a school health leader (preceded me as chair of the @BaltCoPS school health council) and Jim Brayton who preceded me as chair at Franklin Square. https://t.co/wUhIKzs5bH