Mashup Score: 43
The George Washington University (GW) School of Medicine at Health Sciences (SMHS) named Scott D. Krugman, MD, as the new Senior Associate Dean for the LifeBridge Health/GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences Regional Medical Campus (RMC) at LifeBridge Health’s Sinai Hospital.
Source: smhs.gwu.eduCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 4PHM Call for Content System - 1 year(s) ago
Quick Hits Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM eastern Mini-plenary Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM eastern Workshop Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM
Source: phmmeeting.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 4
Access to hospital care for children in the U.S. is getting harder to find, especially for kids in rural areas. A growing number pediatric units are closing.
Source: thenationaldesk.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 31
Parents and pediatricians struggle with shortage of a new drug to inoculate infants against RSV, a common, yet surging respiratory virus that can be deadly for young children and older adults in the worst cases.
Source: www.baltimoresun.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 21Our vision is a world where no one is hungry. - 1 year(s) ago
We are committed to placing the people we serve at the center of our work to end hunger, all while advancing strategies towards protecting our planet against the negative effects of food waste. There is a fundamental absurdity in our food system: approximately 35% of the food we produce in the U.S. is thrown away, yet an estimated 42 million Americans struggle with hunger. We can help. 4MyCiTy Zero Waste to Zero Hunger social and environ…
Source: 4mycity.networkforgood.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 5
Taking the extra time to use appropriate translation services for families with a non-English language preference (NELP) really is a best practice and one we know we should follow but can be easier said than done. Creating the systems to provide competent care for families with NELP is difficult but…
Source: publications.aap.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 2Those who need RSV vaccine most can't get it. Here's why. - 1 year(s) ago
Those who need the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine the most can’t get it, and that worries some Maryland pediatricians.
Source: www.wbaltv.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 55Commentary: A failure to deliver for our children - 1 year(s) ago
What if there was an immunization that could prevent the most common reason for hospitalization in infants, but due to logistics, only a fraction of the population would receive it?
Source: themercury.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 70Cardiff measles outbreak prompts MMR vaccination plea - 1 year(s) ago
Measles symptoms include a distinctive red or brown rash which starts at the head and spreads.
Source: www.bbc.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 0jacksonprogress-argus.com - 1 year(s) ago
In less than a month, Jackson veteran City Councilman Don Cook will face newcomer Stephen Vasil for the District 4 post on the Jackson City Council. …
Source: www.jacksonprogress-argus.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
A bunch of #MedTwitter is posting new positions so I can officially post my new role (in which I don’t have to go anywhere!). https://t.co/IIHnWTPTpS