• Mashup Score: 4

    Tarek Zghaib Correspondence to: Tarek Zghaib, MD, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 11-125 S Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, 3400 Civic Center Blvd, 11th Floor, Philadelphia, PA, 19104. Email E-mail Address: tarek.zghaib@pennmedicine.upenn.edu https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8348-2743 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Section of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Hospital of the…

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    • Thank you @TarekZghaib @Dr_Markman for summarizing our thoughts on LGE and EP "All That Glitters is Not Scar" https://t.co/nPOWTxMzef #EPeeps #WhyCMR @CirculationEP

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    Haft-sin - Wikipedia - 3 year(s) ago

    Haft-seen (Persian: هفت‌سین) is an arrangement of seven symbolic items whose names start with the letter “س” (pronounced as “seen”), the 15th letter in the Persian alphabet; “haft” (هفت) is Persian for “seven”.[1][2] It is traditionally displayed at Nowruz, the Iranian New Year, which is celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern…

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    • @PrashSanders @Emami_EP Beautiful haft sin table! Happy new year my friend. Here’s an explanation of “۷ س” for anyone interested: https://t.co/K7df3GNqtJ