• Mashup Score: 2

    FND Hope is a charitable organization promoting awareness and support for individuals and carers affected by Functional Neurological Disorder.

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    • Additional resorces: Patient advocacy group https://t.co/s5SvebaByM Growing neuro society for people interested in FND https://t.co/2Fs738unfY Great broad review of FND https://t.co/OHQk26jx35 FND & covid vaccines https://t.co/GRKqACgOrw

  • Mashup Score: 3

    If folks inflate the vaccine doses today to make it look like kids get 72 doses, why doesn’t that same anti-vaccine math work in the 1960s?

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    • "When I was a kid I got 3 vaccines. My kids got 72." This is a typical distortion by RFK Jr. The highest number of vaccines a child can get is 54 doses by age 18 & that's assuming a yearly flu shot with one third of those doses coming from the flu vaccine. https://t.co/kknRlLSeD5

  • Mashup Score: 1
    Developments by Year - 2 year(s) ago

    In this section, you will learn about the history of vaccine development and when the different vaccines were added to the annual childhood immunization schedule.

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    • "A lot of these vaccines are unnecessary." Really Robert? Which ones? Since 1986, of the 8 vaccines added to the schedule, 3 protect against bacterial meningitis (a deadly disease) & 2 are cancer preventing vaccines (hep B & HPV) https://t.co/ZJiID6CpGb