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    Apiary helps organizations that provide practical support to people seeking abortions grow and thrive.

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    • 1. Please support abortion funds and practical support organizations. A great central resource is https://t.co/saCm4HfT00 Fact: as abortion restrictions expand, people are seeking care later in pregnancy, which is more complicated and more expensive.

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    Fairness Project has won 23 of its 24 ballot measures to raise wages, stop predatory payday lenders, expand health care access, secure more paid time off, and other life-changing policies to more than 18 million people.

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    • States that continue to restrict access may be candidates for ballot initiatives- which allow voters to protect access even when legislators won’t. Follow the Fairness Project (https://t.co/NWGPBcN9ou) for more in this space.

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    Euki - 2 year(s) ago

    Trust. It’s in your hands …

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    • 3. Please be an ambassador of accurate and safe information. The same people who are restricting abortion access are undermining public education, digital literacy and sex education. Euki is a period tracker with no back end, check it out. https://t.co/QraQLVgw1O