Trump budget would spike deficits by nearly 5 times Harris proposal, says Penn Wharton
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have both received criticism from economists on their policy proposals so far.
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have both received criticism from economists on their policy proposals so far.
Fluid normally exchanges freely between the plasma and interstitial space and is returned primarily via the lymphatic system. This balance can be disturbed by diseases…
A 40-year-old male with no comorbidities presented an NSTEMI. The angiography showed a focus lesion on the mid-CX and a diffuse lesion on the mid…
Analysis of L1 and L2 regularization methods to combat overfitting: understanding, comparison, and usage in optimization problems.
The CIA has been stepping up its efforts to keep up with AI advances — and has developed a particularly spy-tastic way of using chatbots.
A study comparing men and women suggests much of the association arises from genetic propensity to both conditions.
The message is that an early decrease in eGFR with finerenone should not lead to stopping the medication, say HF experts.
Earn nuclear cardiology CME credit, fulfilling ICANL accreditation with ACC. The program covers principles to advancements plus nuclear cardiology lab.
This is expected to be the last time Netflix will report subscriber data to shareholders.
Commentary on Reed et al. Quantifying patients’ preferences on tradeoffs between mortality risk and reduced need for target vessel revascularization for claudication. Vasc Med 2024;…
My prescription? Don’t take medical advice from celebrities like Mel Gibson.