Mashup Score: 8Pregnancy - Stop The Clot, Spread The Word® - 4 day(s) ago
If you are expecting or recently had a baby, you know that it can be an exciting and joyful time. From doctor’s visits, where you might catch the first glimpse of your developing baby during an ultrasound, to decorating the nursery and picking out precious little baby clothes. Enjoy all of these special moments and plans. As you prepare for the day when your baby arrives, it is important that you take care of yourself. There is one key health issue that many women who are expecting a baby might overlook:
Source: www.stoptheclot.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
We're grateful to #WonderWoman actress @GalGadot for courageously sharing her experience after suffering a blood clot in her brain #CVST during her pregnancy in Feb 2024. More about pregnancy and blood clots: https://t.co/SsPqGKa4Ki Read the full article: https://t.co/trq808mhZV https://t.co/8VOBYfIMuI