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    Temporal trends and clinical trial characteristics independently associated with under‐enrolment of females in randomized controlled trials of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction published i…

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    • 👆🏽0 RCTs reported sex breakdown of patients screened/consented, can’t assess role of #screening / #consent in #underenrolment. Without balanced enrolment, often have inadeq power to test for sex diffs in treatment & adverse effects. Recommendations👇🏽https://t.co/GNcCaNCzlb https://t.co/lznIXNyROb

    • What does #PI #Gender have to do with 👩🏻underenrolment? We adjusted for type of intervention, recruitment location, funder, etc. Could 👩🏻PI’s design protocols that are less burdensome to 👩🏻patients? Could #consent process be more patient friendly? https://t.co/GNcCaNCzlb https://t.co/dySveEbfTC

    • Of 317 RCTs #HFrEF RCTs, 👩🏻 represented 25% of 183K participants, w/ no change in trends 2000-2019. Sex-related #EligibilityCriteria, 👨🏻PIs, drug/device/surgery interventions, N Amer/Euro RCTassociated w/ #underenrolment (20% below sex distribution of Dz) https://t.co/GNcCaNCzlb https://t.co/MwiPQl4311